Teriyaki Bowl

I first came in contact with teriyaki sauce during my year as an exchange student in California. (This was also when I first made contact with culinary highlights such as nacho cheese, fresh coriander/cilantro, bagels, Kraft Macaroni&Cheese, Sunny Delight, honey roasted cashews and I could keep going with this list for quite a while, actually.) 

It was, as far as I can recall, in the form of a teriyaki bowl at Jack In The Box. For fast food, it seemed fairly healthy. (But of course, once I discovered the Ultimate Cheese Burger, there was no turning back.) Anyway. I had a hankering for something like it a few days ago, and made this simple bowl with chicken, onions, broccoli and sliced carrots over white rice. 

I fried the chicken in bite-sized pieces until almost cooked through, and then added about 300 ml of ready-made teriyaki sauce. I fried the onions in a separate pan until really well browned, and I boiled broccoli florets and carrots in salted water for a few minutes. All the veggies went in with the chicken, and that was pretty much that. Simple and fast, but very satisfying.
Teriyaki Bowl Teriyaki Bowl Reviewed by roza matarazzo on 03:11:00 Rating: 5

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